Love story- Echoes of hope

love story- Echoes of hope

Echoes of hope


Her love story starts when one of her classmates messaged her on a random night when she was going to end her life.

In my love story, Kim Ji-Yu is an eleventh-grade student at Korean International School. She lives in Seoul. But her life is not as easy as it seems (or maybe she shows it to others). But there was him, who noticed it and here the love story Begans. This isn’t just a love story but a Korean love story, filled with deep emotions and twists. So, let’s begin with the best Korean love story.

Chapter -1


As I enter the school, everyone starts staring at me, I don’t know the reason maybe I am looking too good??? Oh, hell no. But then what’s the reason everyone is looking at me like this??

Hey girl! You might zip you bag before your all books fall down”

Comes a voice from behind.

I turned around, oh those brown eyes with black hair and a handsome face with small lips and nose tall and and and…

“Oh hello????”

“Oh yeah, I am sorry, I- I suggest thanks for telling me.” Oh god I turned into so misplaced in him, he’s so handsome. But he left without even saying any word

How rude. Well thanks to him and now I got to know why everyone was staring at me. Never mind

Well, where’s the principal’s office?? I should focus on that instead.

“You are a brilliant student Ji-yu”

“Thank you, Mr. Lee!” I stated with a grin on my face.

Well now I’ll lead you towards the class, come with me”

Heading towards the class, my heartbeat kept on increasing, I was afraid that whether it will be a fresh start, or everything will remain same as before. But let’s see what turn my new school life will take.

As I entered the class, the teacher asked me to give me the introduction.

Well, it didn’t turn out good though. The girls started giggling and glancing at me with disappointment in their eyes. They were talking about my hair, my face, my everything. I knew it. I knew it.

“Ji-yu now you can go and sit behind Rose”

As I started moving forward, I was able to hear them properly

“She looks as if she hasn’t washed her hair in days” “Did you note her shoes, she is poor”                    

I tried to ignore them and took my seat.

“Hey, my call is Rose, great to fulfill you” “Oh hi, my name is Ji-yu nice to meet you too”

Well, she is pretty black eye and golden hair with cute nose. Beauty – 100%, Personality – (unknown)

 I was hoping that all these whispers would all blow over. But these whispers soon turned out into an open mockery.

My classmates started to pull up cruel pranks, like spilling water in my bag, throwing waste in my locker and writing mean things on my table telling me how ugly and worthless I was.

But there was one guy who was different from all of them, Jeon Jeha. The one who told me about my bag’s zip on the first day. To be honest I fell in love with him when I saw him the first time.

But I in no way were given a risk to speak to him. I am not confident. He is the most popular one in the school and OfCourse with the high grades, there is no chance of me with him.

I saw him rejecting many proposals and can say I am scared too. But not more than these bullies in my class. I am done. I need to cry, shout and die. But I don’t want to. I want to live and enjoy my life and I think I am unable to make it till 18. Not just because of these bullies but also because of my cousin. MY MOST TRAUMATIC MOMENT in life.


The traumatic moment of terror

“But mom, its Saturday at least nowadays you ought to take a wreck and spend time with me”

“Ji-yu you already know our condition; I have to work every day to get food on our plate”

“But Mo-

“Now stop it Ji-yu, your cousin is on the way. I’ve kept some food in the fridge, I’ll be back home soon”

“Mom, I already told you I don’t like him, I don’t want to be alone with him”

“He is your cousin Ji-yu, you can’t talk about him like this, now let me leave, bye”

She left. I don’t know but I hate him. I don’t like the way he sees me or touches me but maybe I am the one thinking this much. Never mind, let’s watch BTS.

*Knock knock*

I guess he is here. *sigh*

“Hi Baek-woo oppa”

“Hi Ji-yu, where’s aunt?”

“Oh, she went to artwork but may be again soon”

“So, you are alone?”

“Ye-yeah” This question exactly this type of questions makes me feel uncomfortable.

Good to know”

What the- he just said???

Time passed, we had lunch and dinner together. I went to do his work in guest room, and I went to watch K-drama and after some time to study.

At 11:03 p.m. I still remember where all this started.

“Ji-yu want to watch movie with me?”

“sure” I agreed and that was my biggest mistake.

When the movie started Baek-woo was not sitting close to me, but after some time he sat closer to me. I can feel his eyes on me, that gaze which always makes me uncomfortable. He stored his hand on my shoulder.

“Oppa can you remove your hand? I feel uncomfortable”

 He ignored me.

“Oppa can you remove your hand? I feel uncomfortable” I shouted.


What ?? what did he just say???


“Don’t call me that and do as I say”

He grabbed my hand; his grip was so strong and painfully tight.

Tears started falling down my cheeks. I tried every way to let go of him

Stop it! Get off me!” I shouted but my voice seems to be waste in this empty house.

His hand clamped over my mouth, silencing my voice “Shut up!”

I tried every possible way to defend myself, but nothing helped. At the end the I bite his hand.

He shouted.

He was standing, Infront of me looking me with such anger that can kill me.

I tried to stand up, as soon as I did, he came running and choke me through the wall.

I am not able to breathe.

Leave me.

Tears falling down. I am going to die. I am going to die.

And suddenly, he removed his hand from my neck. The look from his eyes told me he doesn’t want me to die. He wants something else from me. And we both know what it is.

But I should rather die than spending a night with my own cousin.

I tried to stand up and run b-but there is no energy left in me. I thought it is going to be and end for me

But he left. He left without saying a word and leaving his own sister in this condition.

More chapters are brewing in our writer’s mind, adding depth to our tragic love saga. Stay tuned as our love story unfolds, with twists and turns yet to be revealed!

Click here read PART 2 of this beautiful story.

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